White Teeth

White Teeth Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Weigh the influence of fate and coincidence in the novel. Does one or the other emerge as the driving force of history? Is the resulting message optimistic or pessimistic?

  2. 2

    Pick one of the following sets of characters and explain how their stories run parallel: Mangal Pande and Millat, Joshua and Magid, Irie and Ambrosia, Ryan Topps and Joshua Chalfen, Dr. Perret and the FutureMouse mouse.

  3. 3

    Which of the characters in the novel are Chalfenists? Is Archie a Chalfenist? In your opinion, does the novel support or undermine Chalfenism?

  4. 4

    What separates Hortense and Magid's views of God and destiny? In what way, if any, do they intersect?

  5. 5

    Consider the identical twins, Magid and Millat. What do their divergent personalities and views say about the effects of nature vs. nurture? In light of their stories, it ever possible to tell what is genetically determined and what is the product of experience?

  6. 6

    Explain what Irie's daughter represents. Would it make a difference if her father's identity were known? As a "fatherless" daughter, is she really free from the past as the narrator insinuates?

  7. 7

    According to the novel, what is the purpose of fundamentalism? Use FATE, KEVIN, and the Jehovah's Witnesses as examples.

  8. 8

    What is the significance of the novel's title, White Teeth? Use specific references to teeth as evidence.

  9. 9

    Consider the mothers in the book: Clara, Alsana, Hortense, Joyce, and at the end, Irie. Do their hopes for their children come true? How are their children like or unlike them, and what legacy do they leave?

  10. 10

    Consider the father figures in the book: Archie, Samad, Marcus, and any others. Do their hopes for their children come true? How are their children like or unlike them, and what legacy do they leave?

  11. 11

    Imagine that Millat was sent to Bangladesh instead of Magid. Do you think the twins would have turned out differently? If so, how? If not, why not?

  12. 12

    What, if anything, do the characters' names determine or reflect about their fate? Some characters of interest: Clara, Joyce, Irie, Millat, Magid.

  13. 13

    Compare the Archie who attempts suicide on Cricklewood Broadway to the Archie who jumps in front of Millat's gun. Is it possible to treat the two as separate characters?