Where the Heart Is Metaphors and Similes

Where the Heart Is Metaphors and Similes

Photo (Metaphor)

According to the novel, readers can get to know that Novalee Nation discovered an interesting hobby. She is a photographer, but it is not only a favorite hobby. To take a picture is a process, during which “her heart sinks” and she can take such picture, where she will see the inner world of the person. Photo is not just a colored paper. It is a scanner, which shows soul, emotional experience and worry. The face reveals everything about the person, especially the eyes.

Waiting for a miracle (Simile)

This baby is desired for Novalee. When she lives in Wal-Mart, she often sees her belly in the mirror. “Her skin is stretched so tight it looks like the color of thin milk.” It means that her belly is very big and her daughter will be born soon. Pregnancy is a miracle itself, a new life growing inside a woman is the best that any woman is destined to endure.

Long-expected declaration of love (Simile)

Novalee loves Forney a lot, but she cannot make a declaration of love, because Novalee is confident that they are best friends. One day Lexie “pushes Novalee’s hair back from her face and says she looks like hell.” It means she looks tired and she is lovesick for Forney.

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