What's Eating Gilbert Grape (Novel) Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How cynical and hopeless is Grape's family?

    Gilbert and his siblings are unfortunate because they face one tragedy after the other. Gilbert is the eldest male aged 24, and he takes up the responsibility of taking care of the family after his father dies. Gilbert's mother cannot absorb the shock that her husband is dead, and she develops a habit of consuming binge. Eventually, Gilbert's mother becomes obese and relies on her children to do basic things for her. Arnie, Gilbert's younger brother, is mentally challenged. According to medical reports, Arnie can die at any time. However, Gilbert is optimistic that Arnie will see his 18th birthday. After celebrating Arnie’s 18th birthday, Gilbert’s mother dies. Towards the end of the book, the reader realizes that each of Gilbert’s siblings has a fair share of challenges.

  2. 2

    Why is Mrs. Carver disgruntled with the romance between Gilbert and Becky?

    Mrs. Carver has been having a sexual affair with Gilbert for a while, and she is jealousy. Ironically, the reader learns that Mrs. Carver is a married woman who has an extra-marital experience with Gilbert. Mr. Carver is not aware that his wife is cheating on him. Though not primarily discussed, the author touches on adultery in his book when he highlights the sexual affair between Gilbert and Carver. Becky's appearance in town symbolizes the new begging for Gilbert because he should consider having a sexual experience with a younger woman than Mrs. Carver.

  3. 3

    How is the book ‘What’s Eating Gilbert’ sardonic?

    The book is full of satirical incidences that leave the reader wondering why such occurrences are taking place. For instance, the author indicates that medical reports suggest that Arnie will not live past ten years, but he lives and later celebrates his 18th birthday. The family expects that Arnie is dying at any time, but Gilbert's mother dies when Arnie turns eighteen. It also indicated that Gilbert's mother is obese, but she comfortably climbs the stairs before she dies. Finally, after Gilbert's mother dies, the children decide to burn her inside the house because they do not want to be embarrassed by calling funeral service attendants.

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