We Wear the Mask

Which of the following best describes a central theme of the text?

A. Identity comes from what we do and are, not what we look like.

B. Social pressure can turn independent people into just faces in a crowd.

C. Being sad and upset by tragedy is okay, and people should not hide it away.

D. Silence allows people to stay strong in difficult situations, even though it does
have consequences.

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A. Identity comes from what we do and are, not what we look like.

One way of interpreting the symbol of the mask in terms of the person project by the poet or any creative artists attempts to reveal his true self through artistic expression. The reference to “human guile” which demands that creative spirits funnel their true nature through the voices of “myriad subtleties” all speak thematically to the fear of being misunderstand and the potential danger always lurking within a misunderstanding.