Waiting for the Barbarians

What is the connection between sexuality and male power portrayed in Waiting for the barbarians ?

The link there between male sexuality and power

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One of the central themes in Waiting for the Barbarians is male sexuality. Along with being a story of colonial power and imperialism, the novel is an extended examination of the magistrate's sexuality and of the nature of male sexuality in general. In the case of the magistrate, sexuality is a socialized condition, closely linked to self-perception. In the times when he has power, his sexuality thrives. As his power wanes, so too does his libido. As existential questions begin to haunt him, his desire is similarly troubled. When he goes out on a long trek, stepping out of his society, he is the least inhibited. The barbarian girl's sexuality remains a mystery for the most part. It is the (distinctly male) sexuality of the magistrate that the novel most closely