Volkswagen Blues Characters

Volkswagen Blues Character List

Jacques Waterman

This character shares his first name with the author. He is also a writer by trade, in search of some new story or project to invest himself in. He meets Pitsemine who joins him on his quest for a story. When he discovers his brother Theo wrote him a postcard, he decides he and Pitsemine will travel to find him. Jacques speaks French and has a difficult time navigating America. After an arduous journey, his pursuits lead him to a devastating discover, and he realizes he knows what to write.


This woman meets Jacques during his wandering, before he dedicates himself to the pursuit of Theo. Something about Jacques makes Pitsemine attracted to his journey, and she partners with him in wanderlust. Together, they find a journey to embark on, and as they go along, they talk more and more and compare and contrast points of view.


Theo is Latin for "God," but it's also the name of Jacques's mysterious missing brother. His journey for Theo takes Jacques throughout America, but ultimately he finds Theo lives in Toronto. He finds him and learns that Theo is not able to talk to him. He is severely injured, paralyzed, and he has no long-term memory, so he doesn't even know who Jacques is anymore.

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