Videodrome Literary Elements

Videodrome Literary Elements


David Cronenberg

Leading Actors/Actresses

James Woods

Supporting Actors/Actresses

Debbie Harry, Sonja Smits, Peter Dvorsky, Jack Creley


Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller





Date of Release



Claude Heroux

Setting and Context

Present day 1983

Narrator and Point of View

POV is that of Max

Tone and Mood

Serious, Dark, Violent, Overtly Sexual

Protagonist and Antagonist

Protagonist is Max. Antagonist is the Spectacular Optical Corporation

Major Conflict

Max plays a new hardcore style tape of violence and grotesque sex and soon learns that the tape gives malignant tumors to the viewers.


Max has a tape inserted to the slit in his body by Bianca in order to reprogram him to kill Spectacular Optical businessmen. He then takes his own life.


The desire to watch more hardcore television foreshadows the danger of this malicious content upon every viewer, especially Max.


It is understated that O'Blivion has been dead for some time.

Innovations in Filming or Lighting or Camera Techniques



The film is an allusion to the dangerous and insidious nature of the content on television to transform and potentially kill its viewers.


O'Blivion is the leading expert on the subject of television and its effects on the world and he gives his thoughts freely. Paradoxically he is no longer living when he does so.


The insertion of the tape by Bianca parallels the insertion of the gun by Max and the pulsating tape by the corporation into the slit in Max's stomach.

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