Uncle Tom's Cabin

Despite the abuse they suffered, why was it that most slaves did not rebel against or escape from their masters, even when slaves outnumbered whites in some areas? a) What obstacles did slaves face? Look at the state slave codes of the South and at Fe

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    Despite the abuse they suffered, why was it that most slaves did not rebel against or escape from their masters, even when slaves outnumbered whites in some areas? a)      What obstacles did slaves face? Look at the state slave codes of the South and at Federal laws. b)     How was the Federal 1850 Fugitive Slave Act different from previous Federal laws on runaway slaves? What made it so controversial? c)      What other factors does the novel suggest impeded slave action? Look at the slaves of Augustine St. Claire and Simon Legree. Can slaves be prejudiced or set against other slaves? In what ways would class, race and white values be factors in this? How would survival or preferential treatment undercut slave resistance?

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