Uncle Tom's Cabin

Briefly describe Rachel Halliday. Why are Eliza and Harry staying in her home?

Chapter 13

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Summary of Chapter 13

Eliza and Harry are now living in a Quaker settlement at the home of an old couple, Rachel and Simeon Halliday. Harry is able to enjoy himself playing, and Eliza shows more resolve and confidence in her ability to fight for her son. When the Hallidays invite friends over, Eliza learns that her husband may have arrived at the very same Quaker settlement. The rumor proves true, and George, Eliza and Harry are reunited. For the first time, George feels like he has found a home in togetherness with his family.

Analysis of Chapter 13

Uncle Tom's Cabin is not only a novel protesting slavery, but also it portrays a series of religious conversions. George Harris, for example, finds himself feeling more content and peaceful when he is reunited with his family. Thus, he is finally able to fulfill his wife's wishes that he turns to God and become a faithful, and less discontented, man. It is important to note that family and religion are linked in the novel. It is because George is reunited with his family- both receiving their love and support and providing for them- that he is able to concentrate upon the goodness of his soul. The didactic message that Stowe is trying to send is that good Christians cannot support any institution that threatens family unity. If whites preach the Christianity to slaves they should allow them to fulfill their Christian duties within a unified family, as they themselves do.



From the text:

"She (Rachel Halliday) might be fifty-five or sixty; but hers was one of those faces that time seems to touch only to brighten and adorn. The snowy fisse crape cap, made after the strait Quaker pattern, -- the plain white muslin handkerchief, lying in placid folds across her bosom, -- the drab shawl and dress, -- showed at once the community to which she belonged. Her face was round and rosy, with a healthful downy softness, suggestive of a ripe peach. Her hair, partially silvered by age, was parted smoothly back from a high placid forehead, on which time had written no inscription, except peace on earth, good will to men, and beneath shone a large pair of clear, honest, loving brown eyes; you only needed to look straight into them, to feel that you saw to the bottom of a heart as good and true as ever throbbed in woman's bosom. So much has been said and sung of beautiful young girls, why don't somebody wake up to

the beauty of old women? If any want to get up an inspiration under this head, we refer them to our good friend Rachel Halliday, just as she sits there in her little rocking-chair."


Uncle Tom's Cabin