Unbroken Quotes


“Life was cheap in war.”

Martin Cohn

War, here, is an evil and destructive power that brings grief, suffering, and spiritual emptiness. However, the worst thing is that human life ceases to be priceless. In the book, there are many moments of death. During reading of these moments, you realize that every soldier dies very easy. To die during the war is like cutting a tree – no one will notice the disappearance, except the darling people. Every time, Martin Cohn, who is an officer, sits in a radar shack and watches the plane passes the island. It will never come back. He can see it on the radar. It makes the reader feel terrible, because many lives will pass away.

“Louie was shaken. He had been in Hawaii for only two months, yet already several dozen men from his bomb group had been killed.”


When you get to know all the terrible “delights” of the war, your subconscious immediately screams that you must run away faster and never come back to the battlefield. At the sight of the dead bodies of his comrades, Louie realizes that soon he may be next on the list of the dead. Nevertheless, as it turns out Louis is a very brave man. He realizes that fear is his worst enemy. Every man should be strong and be able to fight for his life and the life of his family. Perhaps, everyone can meet many difficulties or situations that will try to destroy willpower and personality. However, Louis proves that we should never give up, because defeat is a disappointment in oneself.

“Upon hearing that her brother was missing, Sylvia became hysterical, sobbing so loudly that her neighbor ran to her.”


When we lose our loved ones, we lose ourselves. To lose family is a very difficult moment of life, because parents are the most valuable treasure in our life. When someone from family members dies, the soul of a person also fades away. It is because support, love and care die together with beloved people. Sylvia loses her brother Louise; he is reported as missing, and she is very nervous. Sylvia is crying too hard to speak. She is frantic and confused and does not know what to do. Although, the fact that her brother has died is not proved, Sylvia is upset, because thoughts of something bad bother her and her brother is everything for her. She cannot imagine her life without him. However, the ruthless war tries to separate them.

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