Treasure Island

How and when does Ben Gunn want to see Squire Trelawney and Dr. Livesey?

i need help, and just saying its is on chapter 19

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Ben Gunn does not want to go into the stockade with Jim, but he tells Jim to give them the message that he is willing to meet whenever they like. Jim knows where to find him, the visitor must come alone and waving a white flag, and is welcom between noon and six.

"And when Ben Gunn is wanted, you know where to find him, Jim. Just wheer you found him today. And him that comes is to have a white thing in his hand, and he's to come alone. Oh! And you'll say this: 'Ben Gunn,' says you, 'has reasons of his own.'"

"Well," said I, "I believe I understand. You have something to propose, and you wish to see the squire or the doctor, and you're to be found where I found you. Is that all?"

"And when? says you," he added. "Why, from about noon observation to about six bells."


Treasure Island