Treasure Island

Chapter 29: Why do the buccaneers have a book? Why does Jim find it odd?


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Most of the pirates can't even read, yet they carry a Bible around. They also are not especially religious. When the pirates return to the house, they give Long John Silver "the black spot," a piece of paper they have taken from the Bible.

The buccaneers have a book that contains the Black Spot,a piece of paper they give to the person who is accused.Jim finds it odd as most of the pirates can't even read yet they are carrying a book with them.

Most of the pirates are illeterate and cab't even read a book and kept a bible with them and were neither religious. When the pirates return in the stockade, after ther meeting and cut a piece from the bible and gave Silver a 'black spot'.

The book with them contains a black spot, and it was odd for Jim as most of the pirates are not even religious so why are they carrying this bible around and are illiterate and do not even know how to read.