Treasure Island

chapter 16 treasure island

Why did the doctor decide to return to the ship and what did he learn? What was his next course of action?

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After their expedition, Hunter and Livesey return to the Hispanolia, and Livesy tells the captain of his newly formulated plan. Redruth, one of the good men, guards the gallery between the cabin and the forecastle, where the six mutineers are standing. Hunter is assigned to man the boat and Livesey and Joyce fill the boat with supplies, food, and medicine. Meanwhile, on deck, the captain warns Israel Hands, the leader of the mutineers on ship, that he or the squire will kill anyone on the shore. By tricking the pirates, he corners them into the bottom of the ship where they stay. Finally, Livesey, Hunter and Joyce return to the shore and stow their supplies in the log cabin.