Touching Spirit Bear

What advice do Edwin and Garvey give to Cole when they arrive at the island?

what advice do Edwin and Garvey give to Cole when they arrive at the island

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From the text:

“You aren’t the only creature here. You’re part of a much bigger circle. Learn your place or you’ll have a rough time.”
“What is thereto learn?”
“Patience, gentleness, strength, honesty,”Edwin said. He looked up into thetrees.“Animals can teach us more about ourselves than any teacher.”


“Whatever you do to the animals, you do to yourself. Remember that."


“Don’t eat anything unless you know what it is. Plants, berries, and mushrooms can kill you. There’s a book in with the supplies to study if you want to learn what is safeto eat. I suggest you read every word. Lifeis up to you now. I don’t know how it was for you in the big city, but up here you live and die by your actions.


Touching Spirit Bear