Touching Spirit Bear

the rest of chapter 12

Decribes a dream - like sequence of coles rescue. Whr is the authors intention? Is it effective? Why or why not?

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Then, Cole sees the bear walk over to the stream and enter the water to swim away towards the bay. From that moment forward, Cole begins to appreciate the beauty of the scene around him, the plants, the seagulls, and the seals and other sea creatures. As Cole drifts away in pain and slumber, he hears voices around him as he is disoriented. There is a surreal quality to Cole's rescue. Cole straddles the precarious space between life and death. It is here that Cole begins to change. This is Cole's near death experience. It is an effective moment because Cole must dig deep within his spirit to find his truth. It is only through nearly dying that Cole can begin to see life in a new way: Cole is born again after nearly dying.