Touching Spirit Bear

Once Cole breaks off the left end of the stick, what does he still have?

what does he still have?

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Cole still has a choice.... to be angry or to think positively.

“I don’t have a choice,”Cole interrupted, speaking almost desperately.“I can’t help it. I don’t go to bed and decide I’m going to stay awake tonight and be mad.”
“Have you been angry since you entered this pool today?”
“No,”said Cole.“’Cause I’m freezing my butt off.”
Edwin smiled.“When I was banished to this island, I came to this pond to get rid of my anger. It gave—”
“You just said you can’t get rid of anger,”Cole argued.
“This pond gave me a choice. I could focus on the left end or the right end of the stick. I could focus on the sunrise or the dark clouds. It was my choice.”


Touching Spirit Bear