Touching Spirit Bear

cole thinks"the power to choose was the real power, not the fake power of making others afraid." explain this statement

from chapter10

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This is perhaps one of the few authentic experiences that Cole has ever had. There were no angles to be played and no head games to be won. Cole's choices to live or die were real and his own. There was nobody to blame but himself. Nature went on around him ambivalent to his survival or his death. Cole was experiencing life in its truest form.

Yo baljot, I'm older than I care to remember. Cole figures out that the little head games he played in his old life only hurt himself. Alone on the island, nature didn't care if he felt abused or scared or hard done by. Basically Cole had to "man up" and make some real choices.




aslan i just wanna say you helped me a lot with this stuff i just wanna say thank u

I had to make an essay and answer question for the entire touching spirt book and I hadn't started and there was only two days left and completed the entire thing I just want to give a big shout out to aslan for making it possible Thx so much