To Kill a Mockingbird

Would Heck Tate have filed charges against Tom Robinson so quickly if Tom were white? Why or why not? Would Sheriff Tate have been so unwilling to file charges against Boo Radley if Boo was black? Why or why not?

Would Heck Tate have filed charges against Tom Robinson so quickly if Tom were white? Why or why not? Would Sheriff Tate have been so unwilling to file charges against Boo Radley if Boo was black? Why or why not?

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Last updated by jill d #170087
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Tate was not a racist. Thus, his actions reflected the necessity of his duties under the law. His neglect in taking Boo in or filing charges against him had everything to do with his mental state...... and the fact that without him the Finch children might have been killed. Boo was not a murderer..... he was a hero.