To Kill a Mockingbird

Why does Jem retrieve his pants from the Radley yard?

from To Kill a Mockingbird

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Jem doesn't want to get into trouble with Atticus, but most of all, Jem doesn't want his father to be disappointed in him.

I pulled him down beside me on the cot. I tried to reason with him. “Mr. Nathan’s gonna find ‘em in the morning, Jem. He knows you lost ’em. When he shows ‘em to Atticus it’ll be pretty bad, that’s all there is to it. Go’n back to bed.”

“That’s what I know,” said Jem. “That’s why I’m goin‘ after ’em.”


He blew out his breath patiently. “I — it’s like this, Scout,” he muttered. “Atticus ain’t ever whipped me since I can remember. I wanta keep it that way.”

This was a thought. It seemed that Atticus threatened us every other day. “You mean he’s never caught you at anything.”

“Maybe so, but — I just wanta keep it that way, Scout. We shouldn’a done that tonight, Scout.”


To Kill a Mockingbird