To Kill a Mockingbird

Why do you believe that the jury found Tom guilty?

To Kill A Mockingbird

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I think the jury simply was too indoctrinated in their Southern upbringing. Prejudice and ignorance are difficult to overcome even in the face of the obvious truth. It takes time for old ideas to change. Despite Atticus's heroic efforts the jury of white men were not at the point of change. At least though, they knew the truth.

I think the jury simply was too indoctrinated in their Southern upbringing. Prejudice and ignorance are difficult to overcome even in the face of the obvious truth. It takes time for old ideas to change. Despite Atticus's heroic efforts the jury of white men were not at the point of change. At least though, they knew the truth.

Too indoctrinated in their southern upbringing. Despite Atticus's heroic efforts for the trial by jury, the white men were not at the point of change. they knew that tom robinson was guilty because they knew the truth behind the lies of Tom Robinson.

So, they decided to kill Tom Robinson by shooting him when Tom tried to escape. And I am very sad to hear that Tom died because he was a Negro, which means that he was all black, and nothing more.

I mean, why would they kill a poor man with not lots of $ and just shoot him?

Well, in that case, Tom tried to escape the court room so the security guards shot him in the back I think with a gun.

Also, one time, I saw the police taze a guy with a tazer. The results weren't pretty.

