To Kill a Mockingbird

What is Lee's purpose for introducing Mrs. Dubose? Also, why does Jem destroy Mrs. dubose' camellia bushes?

chapter 11

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Miss Dubose is a lesson in both courage and tolerance. She is an old lady who is slowly dying. She is determined to break her addiction to pain killers and die naturally. She wanted to die with dignity, for her that meant no pain killers. Much of her venom comes from her physical and emotional pain. Atticus knows this. Atticus sees a similar courage in the old lady as he has by taking the Tom Robinson case. Atticus sees this courage and attempts to teach tolerance and understanding in his kids using her as an example.


2) Mrs. Dubose regularly hurls insults at Scout and Jem. Although the children do their best to ignore her, one insult pushes Jem over the edge. She attacks Atticus for defending Tom Robinson in the worst way, "Your father's no better than the niggers and trash he works for. " This pushes Jem to cut down her flowers.


Miss Dubose is a lesson in both courage and tolerance. She is an old lady who is slowly dying. She is determined to break her addiction to pain killers and die naturally. She wanted to die with dignity, for her that meant no pain killers. Much of her venom comes from her physical and emotional pain. Atticus knows this. Atticus sees a similar courage in the old lady as he has by taking the Tom Robinson case. Atticus sees this courage and attempts to teach tolerance and understanding in his kids using her as an example.


Mrs. Dubose regularly hurls insults at Scout and Jem. Although the children do their best to ignore her, one insult pushes Jem over the edge. She attacks Atticus for defending Tom Robinson in the worst way, "Your father's no better than the niggers and trash he works for. " This pushes Jem to cut down her flowers.
