To Kill a Mockingbird

What is/ Explain TKAM Mayella Ewell motivations? Please be detailed and straight to the point.

On page 250, she says “I got somethin’ to say an’ then I ain’t gonna say no more. That nigger yonder took advantage of me an’ if you fine fancy gentlemen don’t wanta do nothin’ about it then you’re all yellow stinkin’ cowards, stinkin’ cowards, the lot of you. Your fancy airs don’t come to nothin’—your ma’amin’ and Miss Mayellerin’ don’t come to nothin’, Mr. Finch—”. What is/ Explain her motivations. Please be detailed and straight to the point.

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Mayella is a victim who is being abused in the worst way by her own father. He rage on the stand is a manifestation of her own deep pain and anguish. She only accuses Tom of rape because her father makes her and she has nothing left to cling to. She cannot handle men like Atticus being respectful to her because she has never experienced respect from men. She is caught under her father's control and her desire to tell the truth.