To Kill a Mockingbird

What does Scout find in one of the trees at the edge of the Radley lot and several days later, she and Jem find something else in the tree. What do they find and what do they decide to do with these items?

Chapter 4

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One afternoon, as Scout runs past the Radley house, she notices something in the knot-hole of one of the oak trees in the front yard. She investigates further and finds two pieces of chewing gum. Scout is careful, but eventually decides to chew them. Upon learning she is chewing found gum, Jem makes her spit it out. Later, toward the end of the school year, Jem and Scout find two polished Indian-head pennies, good luck tokens, inside the same knothole. The children don't know if the knothole is someone's hiding place or if the pennies are a gift, but decide to take them and keep them safely at the bottom of Jem's trunk.
