To Kill a Mockingbird

What are some details about the conversation between Atticus and Uncle Jack in TKAMB?

Also what do people around Tom Robinson to do him due to his race? What are some quotes to support them?
Have to write an essay about Racism in TKAMB

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Atticus allows Scout to overhear his conversation with Uncle Jack for two reasons. One, he wants her to understand what is going on with the upcoming trial. Two, he wants her to know that despite being unhappy with her actions, he's proud none-the-less. Allowing Scout to eavesdrop insures she's listening to what he's saying. Let's face it, we often pay more attention to conversations we shouldn't listen to than those we're actually involved in. Atticus used this for his own purpose. Atticus and his brother talk about the severity of the trial and what Scout should and should not know.