To Kill a Mockingbird

To Kill a Mockingbird isn't a story of hope.

Even though there are hopeful events, it isn't a hopeful story. Why do you think this?

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In my opinion, I believe it is a hopeful story. At the root of the novel is the theme of innocence. And if an innocent like Scout can come to understand the good in people, isn't there a chance for a new generation of "innocents" to take on the same view? Scout learns an essential lesson from walk around in someone else's skin in order to truly understand the individual. As she grows and matures, she takes this advice to heart, and that is how she is capable of understanding Boo for the human being he is at the end of the novel. I think this is very hopeful. "A child shall lead us..." and that child would be someone like Scout.


To Kill a Mockingbird

One of the issues which concerns me about the text is the fact that we are outraged by the injustice of Tom Robinson's trial, and the fact that he is proved innocent yet found guilty. Whilst we condemn this decision, we are somewhat more comfortable that there is no investigation in to Bob Ewell's death. The events of his demise are ruled to be accidental, yet both Jem Finch and Arthur Radley had means, motive and opportunity to kill Bob Ewell. We accept Heck Tate's decision because we do not 'like' Bob Ewell; however this emotion should not be part of justice, as Tom's trial has earlier illustrated.

How does Scout show hope in TKMB....for our inglish assessment this year we are doing the concept of Courage and hope vs fear

Can some one help me


The Book TKAMB

Xani, next time, please ask your question separately. Not on someone else’s post.


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