To Kill a Mockingbird

TKM: The Different Types of Prejudice Depicted in Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird.

Explain the: 

The Different Types of Prejudice Depicted in Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird


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This might look sorta wrong but here it goes ...

The theme of prejudice in To Kill a Mockingbird broadens to a further extent than just the situation of racial discrepancy between the blacks and the whites. Although, the racial discrimination mainly towards the blacks is the most prominent occurrence of injustice at Harper Lee’s time- the early Twentieth century, the whole novel includes several, other forms of prejudice that portray the unfavourable effects that was endured by innocent people. These blameless individuals were referred to mockingbirds, since it was a sin to kill one as said by Atticus, “Shoot all the blue jays you want, if you can hit ‘em, but remember it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird.” So, therefore mockingbirds are a representation of the main events that occurred during Harper Lee’s life such as having African Americans taking away their life due to the colour of their skin. 

Harper Lee classifies the historical background of the 1930s current events which was exposed deeply, compared to the situations of the time the book was published, in the 1960s. She exemplifies these means of narrow-mindedness by but etc. etc. etc.

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... for the future for people to be non-judgemental. They didn't understand how a jury could convict a man whom they knew was innocent and it astonished them. Harper Lee, makes the reader comprehend that Scout and Jem purely do something that is only lead by the reality that is exposed to them. They are vastly influenced by the standards and principles of Maycomb, but not forced to proceed by them. The author makes her beliefs against prejudice explicit through Scout’s response towards vital events such as the trial of Tom Robinson. 

There is of course the prejudice against negros. Ths prejudice is one of the major themes in the novel. We also see, in chapter one, a built in prejudice against Boo Radley. He has become the stuff of ghost stories for the children and a cautionary tale for adults. Scout also explains some of Aunt Alexandra's views on proper breeding and the Finch family.  Also there is the socio-economic prejudice mongst the poorest whites as well. 

Christi, I think you made a little mistake on that one. Atticus did NOT say, "Shoot all those blue jays you want," he did not say that.