To Kill a Mockingbird

I don't get somethings! HELP!!!

How does the role of Calpurnia change during the novel?

Why do the folks of Maycomb, AL, talk weird?

This was a great book to read cause of the contexts of the novel. Well, how could this have affected the story a little differently if you were telling this story?

How does this reflect our society with Maycomb's society today? What do you think?

What do you think of Mrs. Maudie?

What do you think of Uncle Jack Finch? How is he a threat to this novel? how is he a hero?

Atticus teaches his children responsibility and trust. Could you probably put quotes in to support this?

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Last updated by zac s #351277
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don't get somethings! HELP!!!

How does the role of Calpurnia change during the novel?

Why do the folks of Maycomb, AL, talk weird?

This was a great book to read cause of the contexts of the novel. Well, how could this have affected the story a little differently if you were telling this story?

How does this reflect our society with Maycomb's society today? What do you think?

What do you think of Mrs. Maudie?

What do you think of Uncle Jack Finch? How is he a threat to this novel? how is he a hero?

Atticus teaches his children responsibility and trust. Could you probably put quotes in to support this?

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