To Kill a Mockingbird

Harper Lee gives a great deal of history of Maycomb in Chapter 13. Why do you think this history is placed here, in this part of the story?

Harper Lee gives a great deal of history of Maycomb in Chapter 13. Why do you think this history is placed here, in this part of the story?

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Aunt Alexandra's views typify the general consensus of traditional assumptions held by the Maycomb community. She introduces the idea of "Fine Folks" to Scout, who will be forever perplexed about what criteria are used to determine whether or not a family fits this category. The rigidity of behavior patterns that Aunt Alexandra (and the rest of Maycomb) believe in demonstrate that individuals from white families also are subject to a certain amount of discrimination on the basis of their family's social stature. Individuals are not judged on their own qualities, but rather upon stereotypes forced upon their entire clan. Given the enormous amount of racism in Maycomb, it becomes incredibly unlikely that whites will treat blacks with respect. According to Aunt Alexandra's way of thinking, dishonesty and inferiority are traits somehow genetically endemic to the entire race. This gives the reader added information and context before the trial of Tom Robinson.
