To Kill a Mockingbird

Does Dill like Scout?? and if yes I need proof from the book??

I need provee from the book, weather he likes hur or not

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Sure Dill likes Scout but remember, they are only kids. At one point Dill promises to marry her,

"He had asked me earlier in the summer [first summer] to marry him, then he promptly forgot about it. He staked me out, marked as his property, said I was the only girl he would ever love, then he neglected me. I beat him up twice but it did no good, he only grew closer to Jem...."

These are the games of children beginning to get a vague idea about relations between the sexes. Still, it shows that Dill is fond of her. Also, when Dill ran away from his mom's house, he hid underneath Scout's bed.

Yes Dill does like Scout. Dill actually proposes to her and Dill becomes Scout's permanent fiancee and will get married as soon as they are old enough. Around Chapter 8


To Kill a Mockingbird and my brain :)