To Kill a Mockingbird

Describe Miss Maudie Atkinson. How typical is she of Maycomb's women? What do the children think of her?

Chapter 5

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Miss Maudie is very unlike the other women of Maycomb in that she treats the children kindly and avoids patronising them. Miss Maudie is a great companion. She's honest, open, and a source of comfort. In addition, she often supplies a voice of reason. It is Miss Maudie who explains to the children that although the verdict for Tom Robinson was inevitable from the start, Atticus has done a great thing in moving the town one small step forward towards equality and fair representation for all. She is a fierce supporter of Atticus and his efforts in defending Tom, which doesn't always endear her to the rest of the town, but it does mean that the children respect and trust her.


To Kill a Mockingbird