To Kill a Mockingbird

Boo Radley is a man who's father and brother took his life away. I don't think that was very nice, was it? He lives on his own and hardly comes out, but leaves presents for the children. Why?


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Boo's childhood has been quite hard for him. The reason why he lives on his own and hardly comes out, is because his yes, his father and brother and mother took his life away, and he hardly comes out because he doesn't like socializing with the folks that walk by his house. And no, it wasn't nice Dana. But yes, Boo does leaves presents for both Jem and Scout because he likes them, but hardly comes out. During that summer, the Finch children's friend Dill Baker, comes to visit them and stay with his aunt Rachel while Dill's parents are busy. The children one day are outside, and one of them comes up with the idea of trying to get Boo out of his house. So they try it, but it doesn't work. Jem touches Boo's house and sees a shadow, in which it was who he thought it would be. It was Boo who was that shadow. Atticus later tells his children to stop tourmenting the poor man and have his right of space and privacy. Hope that helps.


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