To Kill a Mockingbird

AT the end of the novel scout says that they gave nothing to boo in return for what he gave them...

Is this true? And did this comment come from the adult scout narrator or the kid scout?

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No, I think they gave Boo what he needed. They gave Boo their sense of innocence. Boo was able to capture a sense of childhood that he never had. It was the kids that gave Boo the imputes to reach out in his own way.I don't think the kids meant to enchant Boo, they did it simply by their nature. Boo could see behind their little pranks that they were nice souls. This comment came from the adult Scout.

Scout's comment comes from the "kid" scout who has quickly matured throughout the course of the novel; Boo gave the children a lesson in compassion, friendship, and the knowledge that people and things aren't always what they seem. In return the children gave Boo a sense of innocence and the ability to have a sort of childhood. Thye gave equally in different ways, but it was indded and equal experience.

I think Jill might be right, this comes from the child Scout.