To Kill a Mockingbird

3 main ideas of chapter 4


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In Chapter 4, we see that the schools have attempted to teach children how to behave in groups and how to be upstanding citizens, but Scout notes that her father and Jem learned these traits without the kind of schooling she is getting. The school may be attempting to turn the children into moral beings, but Scout's moral education occurs almost exclusively in her home or in the presence of Maycomb adults and friends. This suggests that schools can only provide limited change in children's moral sensibility, or no change at all - families and communities are the true sculptors of children's sense of what is right and good, and what is not.

Dill returns, and the children are back to their games. They reenact stories they've heard through gossip, and Atticus steps in to correct their mode of play.

Boo becomes an person rather than an enigma.
