To Build a Fire

What is your reaction to the relationship that London describes between the man and the dog? What makes you feel that way?


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I find the relationship between the man and the dog to be a strange one. Their relationship is not built on love or trust. They have obviously not been together for any period of time. For the dog, the man provides food and fire. For the man, the dog seems to be a sort of warning system..... he watches the dog's actions carefully. And yet, the dog knows when its life is in danger..... it feels the man's desperation. The man's desperation, however, is what bothers me the most..... I would never consider killing one of my dogs in an attempt to save my own life. I am no more experienced than the man, but I do know that if they had a real relationship..... the dog would have shared its warmth without having to be killed for it. Thus, in my opinion, they are traveling companions.... nothing more.


To Build a Fire