To Build a Fire

What are 10 details that describe the cold in the book To Build A Fire

I need 10 details describing the cold in the book To Build A Fire

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1) Fifty degrees below zero meant 80 degrees of frost. Such facts told him that it was cold and uncomfortable, and that was all.

2) 50 degrees below zero meant a bite of frost that hurt and that must be guarded against by the use of mittens, ear coverings, warm moccasins, and thick socks.

3) He knew that at 50 below zero water from the mouth made a noise when it hit the snow.

4) It was 75 below zero. Because the freezing point is 32 above zero, it meant that there were 107 degrees of frost.

5) And to get his feet wet in such a temperature meant trouble and danger. At the very least it meant delay, because he would be forced to stop and build a fire.

6) When it is 75 below zero, a man must not fail in his first attempt to build a fire.

7) But the blood in wet and freezing feet cannot be kept moving by running when it is 75 degrees below. No matter how fast he runs, the wet feet will freeze even harder.

8) After 50 below zero, a man should travel with a companion.


To Build a Fire