To Build a Fire

Explain how the dog acts as a foil in this story. What point is made at the end of the story when the dog trots away.How does the dog's reaction enhance the story's naturalism.

Lines 552-566

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Last updated by Khoa N #789586
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The dog is a foil for the man because it depends on instinct above all else. The dog pays attention to its surroundings, it digs in its heels when it senses danger, it burrows to keep itself warm in the snow.

The man's actions are born in hubris. He believes he's invincible, no matter that he is really ignorant and inexperienced. He pays no attention to the old man who give him advice, he refuses to acknowledge the dog's instinct and senses are more accurate.

When the dog trots away at the end, its instincts lead it toward the men in the camp, the available food, and the comforts man provides, but you can bet if the weather becomes any harsher, it will find a place to hunker down and stay warm until it feels safe enough to move.


To Build a Fire