Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog)

What is picnic point?What does George want to postpone doing before doing before they set up the boat for sleeping

What is picnic point?What does George want to postpone doing before doing before  they set up the boat for sleeping( chapter 10)

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Picnic point was a beautifully landscaped area off the river where the men pulled over pulled over for the night. They planned to eat supper and get a good night's rest.

However, we did pull up to the point " Picnic Point," it is called and dropped into a very pleasant nook under a great elm-tree, to the spreading roots of which we fastened the boat.

George wanted to set up the tent first, an arduous task to say the least.

Then we thought we were going to have supper (we had dispensed with tea, so as to save time), but George said no ; that we had better get the canvas up first, before it got quite dark, and while we could see what we were doing. Then, he said, all our work would be done, and we could sit down to eat with an easy mind.




Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog)