Things Fall Apart

How does Uchendu reprimand Okonkwo in Chapter 14?

Hello i need help with my homework this is from Chapter 14 of things fall apart please help me this is due today in 2 hours

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Uchendu tells Okonkwo that he must not give in to despair. A common name given to children is Nneka, "Mother is Supreme." Although their society is patriarchal, Uchendu points out that when a child is beaten by its father, it returns to its mother for comfort. In the same way, Okonkwo, exiled by his fatherland, has taken refuge in his motherland. He cannot allow himself to be bowed down by despair. Uchendu sternly reprimands him, telling him that many men have suffered more than he. He must take heart and resolve to keep on living, or his children and wives will die in exile.

