There Will Be Blood

There Will Be Blood Glossary


A term used by some Christians to describe when Christian converts return to their bad habits from before converting.

Backwards dealings

Dishonest and exploitative dealings (particularly in business but can be applied to other matters) with another person.


A person born of parents not married to each other.


An uncontrolled release of oil from a well due to massive pressure.


To carry out (a task) badly or carelessly.


A rig and machine designed to drill for and extract oil from the ground.


A person who runs a business of their own as opposed to working for a company. Daniel Plainview is an “entrepreneur.”


A contract that allows a party access to or control of another’s property for a specific purpose. Daniel “leases” land for the purpose of drilling for oil.


Desire to harm


When one company controls all or nearly all of a single industry (such as oil) so that they can dictate prices and expand profits.

Oil Well

A man made hole in the ground for the purpose of extracting oil.


Risk-taking investors with expertise in the market(s) in which they are trading


A person who receives and relays messages from God or a person who claims to do so. May also refer to a person with a talent for predicting future events.


A person who searches the land for the presence of rare minerals. Typically refers to someone who does this for profit, but can also refer to scientific endeavors.

Proven well/land

A single well or larger area of land where evidence suggests a near certainty of an oil reserve below of the ground.


A type of small bird which is commonly hunted.


When small amounts of oil or other carbon-based substances escape to the surface because of flowing gas or liquid.


Excessively credulous belief in and reverence for the supernatural

Third Revelation

A religious doctrine published in the nineteenth century by Allan Kardec, in the book called "The Spirits' Book".


A large area of land, usually owned by a single party.