There Was a Country Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Why did Achebe turn down his dream to go to school for creative writing?

    Achebe chose to get married and focus on family rather than fulfill his dreams of attending school for creative writing. This choice did not affect his ability to find success as a writer and become famous for his writing. Not only did he fulfill his dreams of being a writer, but he also had the support of his family. Family is important and can provide love and support to a person’s dreams.

  2. 2

    How does political strife affect countries?

    Political strife can lead to war. When the Biafran territory wants to break from Nigeria a civil war erupts. Nigeria refuses to acknowledge the territory’s independence and horrific atrocities are committed due to political strife.

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    How is Achebe’s writing affected by his personal beliefs?

    Achebe’s early writing tracks his political beliefs. In his youth, he was an advocate for African Independence. He wanted Africans to have the ability to run their own government without foreign intervention. The British still ruled Nigeria when he was young, and he fought for change. His writing reflects his political leanings and his desires for his country.

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