The Zoo Story

In popular culture

The Zoo Story is referenced in the 1993 film Grumpy Old Men.

The Zoo Story is a central element in the 2008 novel Qiṣṣat hadīqat al-ḥayawān (English: The Zoo Story), by Moroccan playwright and novelist Yūsuf Fāḍil, set in the milieu of actors and playwrights in 1970s Morocco and Moroccans in Paris. The two main characters of the novel, Al-Sīmū and Rašīd, want to perform a Moroccan version of the play, but their copy of Albee's work is missing essential pages.

The Zoo Story is referenced in Jay McInerney's 1988 novel Story of My Life, Michel Tremblay’s 1992 memoir Douze Coups de Théâtre (English: Twelve Opening Acts), and Bill Hader's TV series Barry (2018).

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