The Winner Stands Alone Quotes


People are never satisfied.

Part -11:45, Attributed to Igor

Igor is commenting upon the greed humans have to always achieve more. People always want what they don’t have, they work laboriously to achieve that. Once they do, they still want more. And they work till they have that thing but at cost of other things in life. At some point, they realize that they could have been much happier with only a little in their life, but even then they don’t make any effort to move in that direction. Ironically, Igor is in the same situation. He could never be happy unless he moved ahead in life, he got everything he wanted but craved more and ignored Ewa in the process. When he saw that he had driven Ewa away, he went to extremes to have her, and when he couldn’t evoke a reaction out of her, he killed her.

“Are you God or just gay?”

Part -11:45, Attributed to Waiter

This is the answer Igor receives when he asks the waiter at a beach party if it is justified to kill a person for the sake of love. The waiter is not entirely serious given that he meets all sort of people, mostly under influence of something. He asks if he is God as only God has the power to decide who gets to live and who doesn’t. It’s another stereotype that gays are intellectual and so asks him if he is a gay. He doesn’t consider that Igor could actually be a psychopath with real intention of killing someone.

It was brave of him to sit there alone like that.

Part - 12:26, Attributed to Javits Wild

Javits thinks along these lines as he observes Igor standing alone at the party he is at. Javits has been in the film industry long enough to understand the vanity of people. Everyone tries to look important or busy so as to make sure that their importance is not lost on people. Igor standing alone appears brave to him as this means he is not afraid of being spotted alone and be thought of as uninteresting or unimportant or simply a newbie.

Transformations always occur during moments of crisis.

Part - 12:44 PM, Attributed to Maureen

Maureen realizes that a person, even though he may want to do a thing all his life, won’t do that thing simply because he believes that he has enough time, and chooses to concentrate on other mundane daily activities. The realization that he needed to do something comes only when he realizes that he doesn’t have enough time. It’s only during a crisis that a person is transformed to the self he wants to become.

“It’s best to view humankind from on high,” she thinks. “Only then can we see how very small we are.”

Part - 1:28 PM, Attributed to Ewa

Ewa thinks as she travels back from a helicopter to Cannes. She is visiting Cannes as Hamid is producing a movie. She has been married to two men who literally have made a rags-to-riches story. And, both men after having worked very hard suffer now with the problem of self-righteousness. Neither wants to believe that he is wrong or could have been wrong. This is also a comment on the shallow society that we live in. We want to believe that the world runs because of us but only when we think of the world as a single unit, there is so little that a person does really matters in the scheme of time or space.

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