The Westing Game

Chapter 15

What are some of the ways that the heirs think Westing could have been murdered

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From the text:

“Maybe he didn’t see it coming,” Theo argued. “The killer was very cunning, Westing said. I read a mystery once
where the victim was allergic to bee stings and the murderer let a bee in through an open window.”

Doug had an idea. “Maybe the murderer injected bee venom in his veins.”

Doug tried again. “How about snake venom? Or poison? Doctors know lots of poisons that make it look like heart

“I once heard about a murderer who stabbed his victim with an icicle,” the doorman said. “It melted leaving no trace
of a murder weapon.”

“Maybe Westing was just sleeping until Turtle stumbled and fell on his head,” Doug suggested.


The Westing Game