The Wave

1. The power of language is one of the central concerns in The Wave. The Wave experiment reveals a great deal about the power of language and how it can be used to manipulate thoughts, feelings and the behaviour of others. Outline how and why Ben Ross use

1. The power of language is one of the central concerns in The Wave. The Wave experiment reveals a great deal about the power of language and how it can be used to manipulate thoughts, feelings and the behaviour of others. Outline how and why Ben Ross used language as a powerful manipulation tool.

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Mr. Ross is trying to explain to his class the power of language. Hitler had strong oratory skills. He knew how to sell ideas to his audience. Mr. Ross mimics some of Hitler's rhetoric to solidify his wave.
At home, Mr. Ross devises an experiment to show his students what life was like under the Nazis. He discusses it with his wife, Christy. The next day, he introduces the students to the concept of “Strength Through Discipline.” The next day, Mr. Ross is impressed that the students remembered his lesson about discipline and are still excited about it. He adds to the lesson, adding the concept of “Strength Through Community.” These two phrases become the chant of the wave. the kids in the wave now have language to process and express their specific ideology in a simple but effective way. Most do not even comprehend how this language affects their psyche.