The Village By the Sea

Who is Hari?

Who is Hari?

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Hari is Lila’s thoughtful younger brother, a boy of twelve years old. Hari is forced to grow up rapidly because of their family situation; he gives up going to school because their family is no longer able to afford it and starts working in the fields instead. Hari realizes that his sister’s future depends on him and that forces him to work hard and think about new possibilities to make money. He is initially intrigued by the possibility of work in the factory but then travels to Bombay with protestors because he realizes it will not be good for his village. There he endures loneliness and difficult working conditions, but he manages to set aside money and befriend a kind, older watchmaker named Mr. Panwallah. Eventually Hari realizes he is not a city boy and desires to go home. He takes his money and his plans to set up a poultry farm and a watch shop in Alibagh, and returns to his family.

