The Valley of Fear

Briefly describe abour the birlstone manor.

How the birlstone looked like? What it has around the borders, what happened to mr.douglas and how he died.

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From the text:

The Manor House, with its many gables and its small diamond-paned windows, was still much as the builder had left it in the early seventeenth century. Of the double moats which had guarded its more warlike predecessor, the outer had been allowed to dry up, and served the humble function of a kitchen garden. The inner one was still there, and lay forty feet in breadth, though now only a few feet in depth, round the whole house. A small stream fed it and continued beyond it, so that the sheet of water, though turbid, was never ditchlike or unhealthy. The ground floor windows were within a foot of the surface of the water.

The only approach to the house was over a drawbridge, the chains and windlass of which had long been rusted and broken.


The Valley of Fear

It is very old and venerable. It is where doughlases live and it possesses a drawbridge.



It was old and had a moat around it. Enemy of mr.doughlas was Baldwin who tried to kill him as he knew the routine of doughlas but he knew that and got saved and killed Baldwin by a shotgun


Playscript of Conan doyle