The Valley of Fear

Act 1 scene 3,4. Why do the detectives think of the Almanac instead of any other book?


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McMurdo is the protagonist of the play. He is a very intelligent, brave, courageous person, he is also very good at dealing with cops. McMurdo had joined also joined the freeman order ship, He was the owner of the birlstone manor. He is a fresh faced man who is fearless and can face nay problem In minutes. He like Ettie a lot.

Watson and Holmes received a code from Fred Porlock (Holmes' Correspondent) who is one of Morarity's men but is betraying him. The code says 341 C2 13. Watson's first guess is the Bible but the idea is rejected due to it having different editions and the fact that no scowrers or one of moriarty's men would carry a Bible. Watson then guesses Bradshaw but it is rejected by Holmes again because of the limited vocabulary. They finally settle on an Almanac and choose the Whitakers Almanac.