The Turkish Embassy Letters Literary Elements

The Turkish Embassy Letters Literary Elements



Setting and Context

The book is set in 1716 in Turkey.

Narrator and Point of View

First-person narrative

Tone and Mood

Humorous, captivating, enlightening, optimistic, buoyant

Protagonist and Antagonist

Lady Mary Montagu is the central figure in the collection of her letters.

Major Conflict

The major conflict in Lady Mary's letters is the invasion of smallpox in the Ottoman Empire. She describes how the doctors handle the pandemic.


The climax is when Lady Mary feels accustomed to the local culture and joins the Turkish women in taking a bath.


Lady Mary's love for the Turkish culture foreshadows her willingness to participate in local activities despite being the wife of a dignitary. Toward the end of the narration, she joins the Turkish women in taking a bath.




The story alludes to cultural differences because the author is passionate about learning Ottoman customs and doing things.


The description of the strange bridge that can hold hundreds of horses depicts the imagery of sight.


Lady Mary Montagu is a paradoxical character. Despite being the wife of the most important person in the embassy, she accepts to bathe with the Turkish women when they request her to join them.



Metonymy and Synecdoche

The frightening of the captain when the strong wind blows means that no person is immune to fear despite the boldface.


The blowing wind is personified as having the power to command everyone in the yacht to obey the direction of its flow.

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