The Truman Show

What is this movie about? Do you think the filmmakers are making an argument? If so, what is that argument? What is the thesis and what evidence is presented in support of that thesis?

The Truman Show :p

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Christof, the creator of a television show called "The Truman Show," informs a documentary-style camera that even though everything around Truman is fake, his life and emotions are genuine. Actors Hannah Gill and Louis Coltrane, who play Truman's wife and best friend, respectively, support Christof's statement. Meanwhile, Truman Burbank (Jim Carrey) has no idea that 5,000 hidden cameras document his entire life, making him one of the biggest TV stars in the world. He also does not realize that Seahaven Island, where he lives, is a giant television studio under a dome, controlled entirely by Christof and his production team. There are many themes or "arguments" in the film. With the growing popularity of the reality television genre and the habitual "over sharing" that comes with access to social media, it has become increasingly difficult to differentiate what is real about a person and what is a construction intended for the consumption of an audience, no matter how small. While Truman Burbank has grown up in an entirely manufactured environment with actors playing the roles of all his friends and family, his reactions and emotions are real. How manufactured is the environment that we live in?