The Tenant of Wildfell Hall

Tenant of wildfell hall chapter 35 5 questions

  1. What emotion does Helen express toward her husband (if only internally) as a result of his behavior?
  2. Why do you think she continues to resent Hargrave's presence and manner?
  3. What action does she take to indicate her disapproval of Annabella?
  4. On what grounds does helen ask Annabella to leave, and what reasons does Annabella give for the delay?
  5. In your view, has Helen handled this situation well?
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In chapter thirty-five, Helen goes down to breakfast on the last day her guests will be at Grassdale and finds Lady Lowborough awaiting her lover. Helen is outraged when Mr. Huntingdon appears and speaks intimately to Lady Lowborough, despite her presence. Then Lady Lowborough has the audacity to ask Helen to watch after Mr. Huntingdon and to keep him off the alcohol while they are apart.